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Living Soil Tree Farm

Juneberry Seeds

Juneberry Seeds

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Juneberry also know as serviceberry, Saskatoon, shadbush, and several other common names is an amazing tree/shrub that produces delicious reddish purple berries in late spring. There are roughly 2 dozen different species of juneberry native to the continent of North America and I am not exactly sure which species our seed stock came from. Each species has different characteristics making them better suited to various roles and environments. Some species of juneberry grow to tall trees while other remain short and shruby. Berry size, flavor, and productivity can also vary. The shrubs that this seed came from were multi stem, under 15’ tall (Although perhaps they have not reached their max size yet) and absolutely loaded with large and delicious berries. Some juneberry are impacted by rust and fire blight as they are in the rose family however these shrubs had very minimal damage. 

I can not say enough good things about this plant. After my first experience with juneberries they quickly replaced blueberries as my favorite berry (although raspberries are also high on my list). It is also interesting to compare them to blueberries because the fruit fill a similar role but juneberry are much easier to grow. The berries look similar and there is some similarity in taste. To me it’s like a mix of blueberry and strawberry taste. But juneberry will grow in a wide range of soil conditions unlike blueberries which prefer a rather narrow band of conditions. Juneberry thrive even in urban environments with compacted soils and pollution. That said they will also do better with loose well draining soil and mulch. 

These seeds have never been allowed to dry out. If juneberry seed dry out they can become very tricky to germinate. Our seeds are packed in moist sand and stored in the fridge to keep them happy. Upon receiving your seeds we recommend direct sowing outside and covering with a thin layer of soil. A very thin mulch such as pine straw may also be helpful. Emphasis on thin, seeds are small and easily smothered. Generally I would not expect germination until spring 2025.

As an alternative these seeds may be stored in the fridge until spring 2025. If you elect to keep your seed in the fridge keep a close eye on them throughout fall/winter and into early spring. They will sometimes sprout in the fridge. If this occurs sow seeds ASAP and protect from frost. You will also want to keep an eye out for mold in the fridge. If you see visible mold forming we recommend emptying the seed/sand mix into a clean large ziplock or container and adding dry sand. Mix thoroughly then place back in the fridge. Please reach out if you have any questions about seed storage or germination! 


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