Through our social media we hope to provide some education for folks who want to explore similar projects to what we have going on. Education is a big motivator to me (Nick). My intent with this page is to direct folks to various resources that I have found useful in my journey. I hesitate to provide too many web links here because the nature of the internet is change. Over time some of these links may change or cease to function. Please reach out to us if you have issue finding any of the material we reference here.
I get a lot out of YouTube videos and podcasts. I cannot express enough, the extent to which I have been motivated and educated various folks with a YouTube presence. I would not be where I am today without these influences.
Here are some channel recommendations. Also, on my YouTube channel I curate playlists of specific videos that have been meaningful to me.
YouTube Channels:
Edible Acres
Edible Landscaping
Black Creek Farm and Nursery
Akiva silver Twisted Tree Farm
Crime Pays but Botany Doesn’t
Farm like a lunatic with Joel Salatin
Flock Finger Lakes
NC State Dendrology
Future Cannabis Project
Savanna Institute
David the Good
Trees for Grazers
Mizzou Agroforestry
Advancing Eco Agriculture
Leaf & Limb
Native Habitat Project
New England Forests
Organic Seed Alliance
Dr. Elaine’s Soil Food Web School
Below are some of my favorite Podcasts
The Composter Podcast
The Poor Prole’s Almanac
Propaganda by the Seed
The Agroforestry Podcast
The Regenerative Agroforestry Podcast
Wildfed Podcast
The Forest Garden
The Regenerative Agriculture Podcast
Books I highly recommend
Trees of Power by Akiva Silver
The Nature Fix by Florence Williams
The Overstory by Richard Powers
The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
The Forest Unseen by David George Haskell
Other nurseries and seed companies that I recommend y’all check out!! (in no particular order)
The Experimental Farm Network (Nationwide)
Ujamaa Seeds (South East)
Perfect Circle Farm (VT)
Feralwood Nursery (NC)
Black Creek Farm and Nursery (NY)
Edible Acres (NY)
Hickory Run Homestead (PA)
Edible Landscaping (VA)
Yellowbud Farm (VT)
Utopian Seed Project (South East)
Virginia Trees (VA)
Twisted Tree Farm (NY)
Knotty by Nature (NC)
Future Forest Plants (PA)
Humble Roots Tree Farm (NY)
Seed Pocket Nursery (VA)