


  • How our collection service works

    - When you sign up for curbside food waste pickup the first month is 100% free. (use discount code newcomposter)

    - The signup will ask you to select a number of buckets. This is the number of empty buckets we will leave you every collection day

    - We collect your bucket/buckets every other week, typically on Tuesdays.

    - We take your food waste to local farms where it is mixed with leaves and woodchips to make wonderful compost. Some farms feed your food waste to worms!

  • Tips to reduce smells

    1. Use a transfer container!

    - We like to use a large bowl but just about any container will do. A container with a lid can be helpful

    - Use this container to hold your food waste throughout the day

    - Empty the transfer container into your main bucket once per day

    - It is a good idea to rinse out this container regularly

    2. Keep your main bucket away from living areas. The garage or laundry room is a great place.

  • Backyard composting

    - Using our curbside service is by no means the only way to compost your food waste.

    - Making a backyard pile or indoor worm bin is easy and rewarding!

    - At home composting systems can be built entirely with material from the waste stream. Think old pallets and plastic tubs etc.

    - Composting is a profound experience to behold. It is simultaneously at the beginning and end of life.

    - Follow us on social media to learn more about how to setup compost piles at home!

Food Waste

What we do with it matters.

  • Food waste releases methane when it breaks down in a landfill.
  • Methane is more than 25 x as potent as CO2 in the atmosphere
  • In a healthy compost pile food waste does not emit methane
  • Compost also helps to capture carbon in soil and plants!
  • Composting your food waste is one of the easiest and most direct ways to have a positive impact on climate change
  • More than 50% of household waste is compostable!

Ecological Impacts of Compost

  • Compost application drastically increases water retention in soils
  • When added to soil compost can filter out 60-95% of storm water pollutants
  • Increases microbial activity in soils
  • Increased resistance to droughts and floods
  • Compost improves biological, chemical, and physical properties of soil

Farm and Landscape Impacts of Compost

  • Compost can reduce or eliminate the need for fossil fuel based fertilizers and pesticides
  • Compost increases yields and plant health
  • These benefits are not limited to farms. Compost can be applied to boost ecosystem health in suburban, urban, and native landscapes as well!
  • Composting creates more jobs than landfilling and boosts local economies